Volunteer and serve in our Church

For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...

Mark 10:45

Our Goal at Spirit Life Fellowship is to equip the saints to do the work of the ministry. We have allot of ministries available to be trained, and useful for the advancement of the Gospel. Ways you to can serve along side many other volunteer's:
Worship team based on an opening and talent the Lord has given you.
Media, working with our live streaming and sound team.
Sound booth helping with Sunday morning worship must have computer skill set
Childrens ministry opportunities
Youth Ministry helps
Nursery workers needed to help with our babies
Small group leaders ( for teaching small group studies, or opening your home to host one
Working in our Food pantry in various forms
Greeting ministry
Corporate prayer ministry meets during the week, and on Sunday mornings before service.
Jail ministry help needed
Building maintenance, and grounds keeping
Help providing ways to church for those that need rides
We can find a place for you to serve just as Jesus taught us to.